A Box of Books! A Wylder Christmas Has Arrived--and They Are Gorgeous!

So, if you heard a screech this afternoon, it may have been me.

Thought I should get that out of the way. Yeah, I'm taking full responsibility for the eardrum-shattering screech. I did it. 

I have to confess: Opening the first box of my new release, A Wylder Christmas, sent me into a tizzy. I'm not too proud to admit it--I love getting that first box of books when a title is published. 

Authors travel a distance to bring a story from idea to publication. They have a lot of help from editors and cover artists, as well as the folks at the top of the publishing house, and we are forever grateful for that. I couldn't imagine doing this without those amazing people. A special shout out to my editor, Nicole. That woman is brilliant and working with her is an absolute joy. 

But when it comes right down to it, writing a book is hard work. There are long hours spent with fingers on keyboard and butt in chair (BICHOK, anyone?), days when the plot twists practically tie us in knots, deadlines to meet...you get the idea. Even on the smooth writing days, there are challenges. It's part of the journey. 

And until I actually open the box of books and hold one in my hands, I'm never really sure the story has landed in the world. Now, it's real to me--even though the handsome Union soldier and sassy schoolteacher, as well as their friends, foes, and families, have been living in my head for a long time. Holding their story, running a fingertip over the cover, fanning the pages and seeing the chapter headings? That's the moment I know for certain that their tale isn't only mine anymore. Soon they will fall into readers' minds--and hopefully their hearts. 

So, I screeched a bit. And I'll be smiling for a day or so. 

Then, I'll get back to the edit file that will turn the next story into a completed project that I will, undoubtedly, screech over when it's released. 

A Wylder Christmas is available for pre-order! 


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