
Showing posts from October, 2021

Monday Mentions Welcomes Cherie Coyler

Monday Mentions Welcomes Jennifer Wilck

Her Sugar Cookie Heart Excerpt!

The Bookshelf

An Undistracted Moment From the Mat

Monday Mentions Welcomes Julie Howard

Pre-Order Option is Available for Her Sugar Cookie Heart

Friday Book Chat—Snickerdoodle Snowmen

Digging the Acropolis

Grab Every Minute of Sunshine

Snailing Along From the Mat

Monday Mentions Welcomes Karen Guzman

Cowboys on the Mind...

Friday Book Chat—Sterling's Way

Moonlight in Madrid

Baking Snickerdoodles on a Quiet Morning

A Love Affair From the Mat

Monday Mentions Welcomes Darlene Fredette

Monday Mentions Welcomes Jill Piscitello

Uses for a Skillet

Snickerdoodle Snowmen On the Horizon!