From the Mat: Beautiful Imperfection
Nothing fancy. No twisted-pretzel pose tutorials, no esoteric philosophical discussions, no need to wear tight yoga pants. Nothing to do, except show up.
Showing up.
On the mat or off, so much of what matters is based upon our showing up, isn't it?
So often, we arrive at our mats with no expectations. We show up, ready to do the work, prepared to engage the body, quiet the mind. We're ready to just be.
And you know what? The majority of the time, showing up like that, as our authentic, imperfect selves is all we need to do. It's enough. We're enough.
The results of showing up as imperfectly beautiful humans to participate in a practice steeped in thousands of years of knowledge and practiced by millions of imperfect yogis, both those who came before us or those who currently practice, leads to personal success.
We show up. We practice. We learn and grow. It's a simple as that.
So, if we were actually sitting in a backyard listening to birdsong and watching flowers bloom, and you were contemplating beginning a yoga practice and asked what's the one "thing" you need to do to prepare for taking on yoga, the answer would be simple.
I'd say, "Just show up."
That's all you need to do, I promise.
Show up as yourself with no expectations, no trepidation, no fear.
Show up, and the yoga will welcome you.
Show up, and the breath will lead you home.
Show up, and meet yourself, right at your very own beautiful edge.
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