Writing the Sister

So, let's be honest here. Not every character in a book is a sweetie from page one. Some have to, well, evolve. 

In other words, there are characters who need to get over themselves a bit before they can be tolerated. I'm writing one now. 

She's a sister to Violet Bloom, the heroine from A Wylder Christmas. Now Violet, Wylder's schoolteacher, is even-tempered and kind all the time. 

Some things aren't shared equally between siblings, it seems. But there's hope for the condescending, snippy, short-tempered sister! And it comes after one long-haul ride in a dusty stagecoach all the way to the Wyoming territory. 

Honestly, I'm loving giving her a bumpy ride. 

And I'm having fun watching her evolve. The story is nearly complete and, you know what? I'm going to miss this sister. She was persnickety, sure, but by the end she's redeemed herself and that, my friends, is pure gold. 

Hope you're having a peaceful day...and a smooth ride.  



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